Algem’s weekly update #1

2 min readJan 24, 2023


For the past week major work was done on the Adapter contract. The main code for handling different dApp adapters and liquidity pairs management was written, as well as mechanics to manage calls to adapter functions from vault contract and core data structures for the vault.

Our main goal currently is to finish core vault logic and create tests for the implemented features. After making sure the vault allows user to provide liquidity to pool and lp tokens to farm of the dApp, we will implement ALGM incentive mechanics (vault should receive ALGM and give user weekly reward depending on his share).

Over the next week we plan to continue working on dApp farming rewards distribution and fee calculation mechanics.

Over the course of this week we have completed the vesting contracts architecture as well as expanded it’s functional in order to make it more universally applicable. We have also solved some of the issues we had with the XC20 standard and implemented the solution.

Next week we plan to thoroughly test the vesting mechanics as well as to continue working on the crowdloan contracts.

We also glad to meet with new projects! Write us right now —

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Written by DefiMoon

We are Blockchain security company providing services and solutions at the highest quality, specialized in smart contract audit on world-leading chains

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