Hey there! It's DefiMoon Team. We are International Blockchain & Smart contract security company providing professional services and solutions at the highest quality, specialized in blockchain and smart contract audit on world-leading chains. Audit. We can test smart contracts on any protocol and programming language like Solidity and JavaScript. Our leading cybersecurity expert assessment solution helps you assess the security of blockchain wallets and D-apps to keep your assets safe from hackers. Development. We develop the main conception of a company according to the company's targets and develop strategies of competitive advantage. We creates smart contracts that automates your work with assets. Sales or trading, creation or distribution of tokens, invoices, payments and digital certificates.

We also glad to meet with new projects! Write us right now — https://t.me/defimoonorg

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We are Blockchain security company providing services and solutions at the highest quality, specialized in smart contract audit on world-leading chains